#USP Tag

USP General Chapter <41> Balances establishes the requirements for balances used for materials that are to be accurately weighed. Weighing must be done with a balance that is calibrated over the operating range and meets the defined requirements for Repeatability and Accuracy.

This proposal is based on the official version dated August 1, 2019. The proposal published in PF 49(5) [September-October 2023], has been cancelled and is being replaced by this new one.

The proposed changes gather comments received from stakeholders and are intended to align with Weighing on an Analytical Balance 〈1251〉 as well as the European Pharmacopoeia chapter “Balances for Analytical Purposes”.

In addition to formal changes, updates and additions were made in the following areas:

  1. Introduce the relationship between calibration and performance checks within the life cycle approach to ensure fitness for purpose.
  2. Include the concept of a risk-based approach with respect to the frequency of calibration and performance checks.
  3. Add a new section on Calibration, clarifying its purpose and including considerations for uncertainty and frequency.
  4. Introduce clarifications of compliance with respect to the Repeatability
  5. Align the term minimum weightwith that in 〈1251〉 and in the European Pharmacopoeia, with regard to standard deviation. Include calculation examples.
  6. Introduce text that differentiates the minimum weightfrom the smallest net weight.
  7. Clarify criteria to ensure compliance with the required accuracy during performance test checks and calibration, including consideration of the uncertainty of the test weights.
  8. Incorporate additional applicable references into the text.

Comments and observations on these drafts can be submitted until 30 November 2024.


USP General Chapter 1251 Weighing on an Analytical Balance is a guideline applicable to balances used in all analytical procedures. It provides information on installation and operational qualification (IQ/OQ), performance qualification and balance checks (routine testing), minimum weight, and balance operation.

This proposal is based on the version of the official chapter issued on May 1, 2018. The previous proposal, published in PF 49(5) [September-October 2023], has been cancelled and is being replaced by this new draft. Based on comments received from stakeholders and to align with Balances 〈41〉 as well as the European Pharmacopoeia chapter “Balances”, the following changes are proposed:

  1. In the Introduction, clarify the group of instruments in which balances are included as per Analytical Instrument Qualification 〈1058〉 and its relationship with the analytical target profile described in Analytical Procedure Life Cycle 〈1220〉.
  2. Add a new section, Principle, defining weight and units.
  3. In Performance Qualification, the risk of the weighing application is explained with regard to the user’s quality management system in order to define the frequency and the type of performance qualification activities.
  4. Discuss the frequency of each of the individual tests included, as well as the relationship between calibration and verification.
  5. Delete the section Balance Checks and integrate it into Performance Qualification.
  6. Simplify the definition of minimum weight and add clarifications about the tare vessel as well as examples to address frequently asked questions.
  7. Introduce a safety factor that addresses critical performance changes of the balance during routine usage.
  8. Add a Glossary to clarify the use of specific terms.
  9. Add Additional Information to ensure alignment of concepts and terminology.




Pharmacopeial Forum (PF) | USP-NF (uspnf.com)

As shortages of glass vials have been reported in the past years, to address concerns about the supply of such packaging materials, the USP intends to revise the packaging and storage statements in several USP monographs for parenteral products which currently prescribe a specific type of glass.

Several official monographs in the USP-NF require the use of a specific glass type, for example “Type I glass” or “Type II glass.” Current General Chapter <660> Containers – Glass defines glass types by composition-based characteristics.

According to the general announcement, the revision of the monographs should provide some level of flexibility regarding the type of packaging by including a reference to a preferable type of glass for packaging, rather than prescribing a specific type of packaging material.

To address challenges, the proposed compendial revisions would include the following:

  1. Revisions to General Chapter <660> to remove glass classifications based on composition. Currently, <660> defines: Type I (borosilicate glass); Type II (treated soda-lime silica); and Type III (soda-lime silica). Under the proposal, General Chapter <660> would instead define glass Types I, II, and III by performance characteristics, allowing for additional compositions to be considered Type I, II, and III glass.
  2. Revisions to 14 monographs that currently prescribe a specific glass type by adding the word “preferably” in the packaging section of the monograph.” The addition of the word “preferably” to the monographs at issue means that the use of the glass specified is preferred, but not required. This proposed revision will give manufacturers additional flexibility in their choice of packaging and pave the way for new or different types of packaging to be approved.



To introduce more flexibility for manufacturers and regulators, the USP is therefore proposing the addition of the word “preferably” to the packaging and storage statements in the monographs that currently use prescriptive language. However, additional changes to many monographs may be needed to fully address the paradigm shift in defining suitable packaging materials for parenteral products.


Notice of Intent to Revise: Proposal to Add Flexibility in the Selection of Suitable Packaging and Storage for Parenteral Drugs.

The United States Pharmacopeia (USP) is making important changes to series of chapters on Good Storage and Distribution Practices <1079> that will impact risk mitigation strategies for storage and transportation of finished pharmaceuticals.

This chapter focuses on packaging, storage, and transportation processes that maintain drug product quality and supply chain integrity. The proposed revision identifies common risks in the storage and transportation of drug products and recommends appropriate mitigation strategies.

The new USP <1079> changes are significant and highlight the need for companies who will store, handle or transport products with label temperature requirements to meet a thorough Quality Management System (QMS). USP <1079> defines good storage and distribution practices for temperature sensitive drugs during all stages of the cold chain.

The existing chapter is titled “Good Storage and Distribution for Drug Products.” The new proposed chapter title will be – “Risks and Mitigation Strategies for the Storage and Transportation of Finished Drug Products.

The <1079> Series

The current plan for the expanded series is as follows:

Chapters <1079> and <1079.2> are already effective. For <1079.3>, a draft is available for comments.

USP <1079.2>

The sub-chapter <1079.2> addresses the utility and application of mean kinetic temperature (MKT) for the evaluation of temperature excursion in controlled room temperature (CRT) and controlled cold temperature (CCT) products.

USP <1079.3>

Is a new sub-chapter. It provides background information about the science and technology of temperature and humidity monitoring over time. It also describes the available technologies and performance characteristics and provides recommendations for qualifying performance.

Sub-chapter <1118> “Monitoring Devices—Time, Temperature, and Humidity” will be omitted, as the information will be included in the new sub-chapter <1079.3>.

USP <1079.4>

<1079.4> is also a new chapter, which was first published for comments in the Pharmacopeial Forum, PF 48(5), in September 2022.

The draft versions of all proposed new chapters are available in PF Online.